Balance Bikes for Toddlers: What NOT to Look for
This week, we continue our series on balance bikes for toddlers. If you are catching up, here is what you may have missed: Deciding between scooter and balance bike for an 18 month old. Finally...
Inspiring everyday adventure one weekend at a time
This week, we continue our series on balance bikes for toddlers. If you are catching up, here is what you may have missed: Deciding between scooter and balance bike for an 18 month old. Finally...
Let’s get real for a second, it’s been over two months since I wrote about waffling between a scooter and a balance bike for CZ’s big debut on wheels. And while we could use...
When our pedal powered lifestyle with CZ, we wanted to make sure that she was protected. After choosing a baby bike seat, we began an exhausting search for the proper baby helmet. It was exhausting because we...
Hiking Volcano National Park hit high on our Hawaiian Bucket List. However, there are tons of hikes, ranging from short 1 milers, to long multi-day treks. We tested several hikes and report back with...
The secret for happy family hiking? Your attitude! Learn how positive intentions can make for more fulfilling family adventures. For me, the goal of hiking with a toddler is spending the whole day outdoors exploring,...
We spent a lot of time on bicycles back in Charlotte, and we still do here in Sydney (serious understatement). The biggest difference is that we spent a lot of time riding around with friends...
I tend to overpack, even with my minimalist efforts. (I blame the Boy Scouts for my need to “be prepared” for every possible scenario style packing.) This makes preparing for a camping trip challenging, especially with...
Doing anything methodically with a toddler can be quite challenging. It is a dance of leg tugging, running, and, if you’re lucky, choreographed to a chorus of laughter and the occasional scream of joy....
We had no planned stops the Grand Pacific Drive, and managed to have a wonderful trip, but felt like we wasted time in some spots. Read through our tips so you only hit the best stops...
You want to foster enjoyment of the outdoors early, but taking your toddler on a hike seems like a daunting task. How far should you go? What do you need to bring? What about naps? What...
The debate between rear and front mounted toddler bike seats crippled my decision making for a few weeks, but I finally made a purchase. Here is a recap of our internal debate, along with why...
Our mission to learn about photography started the day we met, and we constantly consume blogs, books, and articles on everything and anything photography related. Now that we are a few years into the journey, we...