Tagged: recipe

grain-free trail snacks 1

Our Top 10 Low-Sugar, Grain-free Trail Snacks

Trail snacks are a complicated balance between pack weight and necessary fuel. We recently made the decision to skip the heavily processed, chocolate-laden treats, and opt for these low-sugar, grain-free trail snacks. It is just as easy...


EZ Recipe: Popcorn

Few things in life are constant, but one thing that has never changed is the way Mom makes popcorn.  She has one pot used only for heating Orville Redenbacher’s butter flavored popping oil to...


Butternut Squash Kale Stew

This butternut squash kale stew is perfect for the wintery weather we are having!! It is warm, flavorful, and chock full of vitamins to ward off winter colds. I find it is a satisfying...


EZ Recipe: Grandma’s Hungarian Eggnog

As far back as I remember, homemade Hungarian eggnog was a staple of the holidays with the Hrachovina and the Newser sides of my family.  I am not sure what about the recipe makes...