Category: Photo Tips


How to Use The Dehaze Tool in Adobe Lightroom

Want to learn about an awesome tool within Adobe Lightroom to take your landscape photos to the next level? EZ and I recently discovered the usefulness of the Dehaze Tool, while editing some foggy photos...

toddler photography 3

Three Steps to Natural Toddler Photography

Natural-looking toddler portraits are hard to capture for several reasons: they are very close to the ground, move unreliably, and don’t often happily sit still. We tackle the first of these issues in this...


Basic Night Photography Tips

Low light photography is challenging, and basic night photography can become very complicated, very fast. We break it down into the ideal settings for ISO, shutter speed, and aperture in our simple guide to...


Online Photography Resources

JZ and I have a tendency to really plunge into things, which usually involves researching them to death in a maniacal, rapid fire consumption of information. To an outsider, it might look like we...