Better Family Selfies Using the Canon G7X Wifi and a Smartphone
We love taking family photos when we have the tripod with us, and there are plenty of times, JZ has done the 10 second sprint to get in place with the self-timer on our DSLRs. However, the Canon G7X wifi capability eliminated the 10 second sprint from our family workouts. Pairing the camera with our iPhones, we can actually see where we are in the photo and trigger the shot, without having to run back and forth to the camera. There are a few things to we’ve learned so read through to up your family selfie game.

Time to shoot – 45min – Full Tripod with DSLR Self Timer
Above is one of our first outdoor family shots, and you can see that while it captures the moment and CZ looks cute as ever, it also has marginal lighting, a somewhat passable background, and to get this composition, I had to crop out most of the image. We spent considerable time setting up the tripod and choosing a location. Then, every shot required 10 seconds for the timer. It can be quite a process, and it is hard to check all the details on the back of the camera. This photo took the longest to shoot, and it took the longest in editing.

Time to shoot – 15min – Joby Gorillapod, G7x, wifi shutter release using iPhone 5S
The above photo is shortly after we purchased our G7x, and it is one of our early attempts to use the wifi shutter release with the Canon Camera App on our iPhone. It took us considerably less time to shoot, and it took even less time to edit. We still had a bit of cropping to do, but nowhere near as much. We lucked out with an overcast day providing us even lighting. The only significant learning is overwhelming amount of green in the photo impacted the other colors.

Time to shoot – 10min – Joby Gorillapod, G7x, wifi shutter release using iPhone 5S
The last one is my favorite. It doesn’t capture all the detail of our faces, which might be for the best, because we squinted in the light. However, the scenery and sky are just as I remember. We explore so many amazing places, and I want to capture more than my arm, and our three faces. Setting up the G7X on a tripod with remote shooting allows us to capture dynamic and beautiful shots like this one. Now, lets cover how you can do it also.
Canon G7X Wifi Pairing and Setup
In the video below, we take you through the three steps to Canon G7x Wifi pairing and setup:
- Find and discuss the wifi settings on your camera. There is one crucial wifi setting that many people overlook that willl make or break the quality of the photos that you send over wifi.
- Teach you the two ways to enable wifi on your camera – and share which on is our favorite.
- Download the Canon Camera Connect app, and pair your phone and camera to enable remote shooting.
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1 Response
[…] Setup Wifi Pairing For Remote Shooting – This one already has a whole post, and won’t be the last time we mention it! Being able to reposition ourselves during family self-portraits is incredibly useful, and our only complaint is the lack of RAW images when you using a mobile device as a remote trigger. However, the camera almost makes up for it with our final adjustment. […]